Carbon - Engineered Biocarbon - Technology

Buy Biochar/Carbon - Engineered Biocarbon - Sand.

Premium materials  & Specialty Engineered


ReGen Agri-Source presents to our customers the highest quality of specialized engineered biocarbon for water and air filtration.   Using our capacity we offer multi-blending and processing capacities.   

Environmental biocarbon media blends.


Biochar Carbon:  Environment cleanup  - fertilizer production - agriculture facility waste, pollution, and smell management  - Water filtration - Industrial and commercial pollution control.  Contact our engineering for  information to apply to your projects.

Have a waste pile of wood chip - sawdust products call us.  This material can go straight to the renewable agricultural market.   Need to grind and dispose of  waste wood products? contact us.

Tree branches & Logs chipped -  Tree trimming and logging companies chipping your waste wood and branches contact us


Environmental Management Agency Waste Processing

We operate a receiving station for drop off of waste wood chips, and sawdust.    We must review the waste media to check it for program compliance.

The backbone of our system is the 135mco  C1 pyrolysis system which is a high quality high production system for biochar carbon and surplus energy.

This waste is then turned into biochar carbon in our processing facility.   The supplier can arrange for custom processing and return of the carbon per our processing fee schedule per program stipulations for their applications or the carbon is sold to one of our clients.

We Are Committed To Protect And Enhance Our Environment - Food - Water - Life

Waste to Product Carbon Cycle

Environmental Protection

Environmental Integrity 

Filtration Media & Biocarbon

Bagged Carbon -  Bulk Carbon - Specialty Blended and engineered Carbon Environmental service products - Biochar based compost products - Environmental & Landscape products.

Specialty sized biocarbon units for specialized media flow rate and production engineering.   Contact us with you needs.   Need an NDA for specialized applications?  Contact our sales engineering.


Environmental Integrity Products

Biochar Carbon
Biochar carbon has been used
for many application and is 
Carbon Negative
Regen Agri-source is operating
completely carbon negative as
we sequester many times more carbon then is used.
Carbon Credits
We offer Carbon credits for the 
carbon credit market. 
Regen Agri-Source is partnered
with energy engineering to 
proceed on a path forward for
uses for waste energy from the carbon production process.

Facts & News

Supplier for 
Setting the standard in Biochar quality producing .


You buy we advertise for you

Analysis & soil engineering
Email us for documentation
Ecological Study
Document here on:  

          "Amending Substrates with Biochar"

Carbon Series

™CarbonLine4 We custom manufacture engineered biocarbon for water, air, and other processes of filtration.   This products can be custom engineered and ordered

We have various other Biocarbon technologies in house also and have several other blends and engineered medias available.

AGHL-1 is one of our Agriculture grade materials available in large bulk quantities for fertilizer and composting blending.


Quality is a must and lab resources are available.

Plant Building and Expansion

Plans are in place to proceed for advanced production and facility capabilities.

Raw Resources

We have access to some of the best raw materials in the world locally for the best biocarbons.